Valley Industrial Credit Union
Valley Industrial Credit Union
CEO Debra Hostetter
Address P.O. Box 1784
City Waynesboro
State VA
ZIP 22980
Phone # (540) 949-6818
Fax (540) 942-3670
Welcome To VICU's Home On The Web.
Mission Statement: Valley Industrial Credit Union is committed to achieving an atmosphere of trust between our members and our credit union by providing complete financial services and competitive rates, in a friendly and professional environment.
What Makes Valley Industrial Credit Union Different?
* Personalized Member Services
* Low Loan Rates / Great Terms
* Affordable Financial Services
* Financial Management
Who Can Become A Member?
* Membership eligibility extends to persons employed by or retired from our member companies and to their relatives (spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, adoptive, and step relatives). Also eligible are household members living in the same residence who help maintain the household as a single economic unit.
How Do I Become A Member?
* By paying a $5.00 membership fee and depositing at least $5.00, you can open your shares saving account, which allows you to take advantage of the credit union's full range of financial services.
© 2004 Valley Industrial Credit Union